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Showing posts with the label single-parent

Navigating Your Adolescent's Entrance into the Sexual World: A Parent's Guide

As an experienced children's counselor and parenting advisor, I understand that one of the most challenging and sensitive topics parents may encounter is their adolescent's entrance into the sexual world. During this transformative stage, it is crucial for parents to approach the subject with empathy, open communication, and a non-judgmental attitude. In this article, I will share practical advice on how to navigate this delicate phase and foster a healthy and informed approach to sexuality with your adolescent children. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Create a Safe and Open Environment Establishing a safe and open environment for discussions about sexuality is essential. Initiate conversations with your adolescent, assuring them that you are available to talk about any questions or concerns they may have. By being approachable and non-judgmental, you encourage your child to confide in you during this crucial time in their lives. Educate Yourself on Age-Appropriate Informati

Efficient Time Management: Juggling Black Friday, Pub Work, and Parenting - a mom's experience

  One particular experience that tested my time management skills as a single working parent occurred on a chaotic Black Friday. Working at a busy mall during the day and then heading to the pub for a night shift, all while ensuring my 4-year-old was well taken care of, was no small feat. Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash On that fateful day, the mall was buzzing with frenzied shoppers seeking the best deals. As I navigated through the crowds, assisting customers and managing sales, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the approaching evening shift at the pub. I knew that I needed to carefully plan and allocate my time to accomplish everything. During my lunch break, I made use of the precious moments to reach out to a trusted friend who was kind enough to pick up my child from daycare and keep them entertained for a few hours. This gesture provided me with some relief, knowing that my child would be safe and cared for while I finished my work at the mall. As the evening approa