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Efficient Time Management: Juggling Black Friday, Pub Work, and Parenting - a mom's experience


One particular experience that tested my time management skills as a single working parent occurred on a chaotic Black Friday. Working at a busy mall during the day and then heading to the pub for a night shift, all while ensuring my 4-year-old was well taken care of, was no small feat.

Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

On that fateful day, the mall was buzzing with frenzied shoppers seeking the best deals. As I navigated through the crowds, assisting customers and managing sales, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the approaching evening shift at the pub. I knew that I needed to carefully plan and allocate my time to accomplish everything.

During my lunch break, I made use of the precious moments to reach out to a trusted friend who was kind enough to pick up my child from daycare and keep them entertained for a few hours. This gesture provided me with some relief, knowing that my child would be safe and cared for while I finished my work at the mall.

As the evening approached, I swiftly made my way to the pub. The atmosphere was electric, filled with lively conversations, laughter, and the sounds of glasses clinking. Amidst the busyness, I constantly reminded myself of the limited time I had to complete my shift before reuniting with my child.

During quieter moments at the pub, I took advantage of any breaks I had to communicate with my friend, ensuring that everything was going smoothly on the home front. It was comforting to know that my child was in good hands, allowing me to focus on my work without unnecessary worries.

As the night wore on, I diligently fulfilled my responsibilities, serving customers, managing orders, and ensuring the pub operated smoothly. Despite the hustle and bustle, I maintained a sense of composure and professionalism, knowing that efficient time management was key to successfully fulfilling my commitments.

When my shift finally ended, I quickly made my way home, eager to be reunited with my child. The exhaustion was palpable, but the joy in my heart propelled me forward. As I walked through the door, my child's smile and eager embrace washed away any remnants of fatigue, reminding me of the beautiful reason behind my balancing act.

Reflecting on that challenging day, I realized the importance of effective time management and the value of having a reliable support network. By carefully planning my schedule, relying on the help of trusted friends, and maintaining open communication, I was able to navigate a demanding day while ensuring my child's well-being.

In moments like these, I learned that time management goes beyond mere organization; it encompasses prioritization, adaptability, and the ability to make the most of the limited hours in a day. It is a skill that allows me to fulfill my work commitments while cherishing the precious moments spent with my child.

Efficient time management continues to be a crucial aspect of my daily life as a single working parent. It enables me to find a delicate balance between the demands of my career, the responsibilities of parenting, and the need to take care of myself. Through experience and perseverance, I have come to appreciate the power of effective time management in creating a fulfilling and meaningful life for both me and my child.

- prepared from an interview with Sam, a strong, single, working mom


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